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Women Toilet (2013)

Zack's masculine confidence is hard to appeal, until one day when he accidentally entered

the ladies'room.

Festival Screening

7th TLVFEST LGBT Film Festival Tel aviv (6 , 11)
4th Small Bama Festival Tel aviv ( 5, 08 )



Year of production: 2007
Running Time: 12:00 min
Color / Sound / Subtitled


Director...........Ophir Benshimon
Cameraman...........Ori Rom, Ophir Benshimon
Edit..................Ophir Benshimon
Producer...............Hila Aviram
PA......................Noa Osherov
Light......................Tal Siano, Itay Feller
Sound................... Ronny Cohen
Mix.........................Dori Adar
Actors.............Danny iserlish, Elad Zamrani, Ophir Benshimon 



Ophir Ben Shimon 


Director, Videographer, Editor

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